Home Boat Goodies Bye-Bye, Summer Blues!

Bye-Bye, Summer Blues!

Summer is all about fun, unless you’re aching, itching, or queasy. Try these tips to soothe summer’s bummers.


Wear light-colored clothing; apply repellent before heading outdoors and then reapply during the day. Should a biting bug prevail, treatment depends on the wound (and if there’s a stinger left behind). In Wash the area and stop swelling by holding ice against the bite for up to 15 minutes, then apply an over-the-counter cortisone cream or anti-itch lotion. Other remedies include a paste of water-moistened baking soda, salt, meat tenderizer, or crushed aspirin (adults only) over the dampened area. Tick bite treatment includes careful removal of ticks found on the skin. Use the tick removal tweezers and magnifier in your first aid kit, and deposit the tick in a plastic bag to show a doctor if symptoms arise.



When you bang into something (or vice versa), apply ice immediately. If the skin is broken, cover with gauze. Elevate the area and don’t put weight or pressure on the spot.



Drink water or water-based drinks throughout the day. Should you become woozy and dehydrated anyway, rest and drink cool water with a pinch of salt. Once you’re feeling better, keep on drinking water, and eat melons, cucumbers, and tomatoes.



Heatstroke is very serious. Call the U.S. Coast Guard and head to shore. In the meantime, cool the person by applying ice or cool wet towels on the neck, armpits, and groin. If the person is conscious, offer chilled water or other nonalcoholic beverage (no caffeine). Begin CPR if the person is unconscious and breathing cannot be detected.


Jellyfish Stings

Rinse the wound with (critter-free) seawater. If tentacles remain in the bite area, use a stiff piece of cardboard or a credit card to rub them up and out. Apply vinegar or isopropyl alcohol to neutralize the toxins (some swear by cola works). An oral antihistamine or a cortisone ointment should ease the pain.



If you’re prone to motion sickness, start treatment before heading out (the night before is best). Choices include over-the-counter antihistamine or prescription pills or patches. While aboard, use ginger capsules (soda, snaps, or tea help, too), and acupressure bands that block nausea. Position yourself outside, towards a breezy, shady spot, preferably mid-boat. Breathe deeply, close your eyes or fix your gaze on a specific spot on the horizon, and sip a cool drink slowly.



If you’re doubled over with stomach pains, sit up, breathe deeply, apply a warm compress, take an over-the-counter stomach-soothing medication, drink peppermint tea (iced or warm), or water with lemon. If the pain doesn’t pass, see a medical pro as soon as possible.



Start before getting dressed for the day. Apply sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher before you get dressed — waiting until you get to the boat means you’ve been unprotected against harmful rays since you stepped out your door. Reapply sunscreen at least every two hours (more often if you get wet). Missed a spot? A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen or naproxen may ease some swelling and pain. Apply a soft cloth soaked in cool water, vinegar, whole milk, or unsweetened green tea, or gently pat on aloe vera gel or an over-the-counter cortisone cream. If available, lay mashed strawberries or slices of cucumber or raw potato over your well-done areas.


Sun Sensitivity and Heat Rash

Certain medications and treatments trigger sun sensitivity and rashes. Talk to your prescribing doctor or pharmacist about boating plans, and read the warning label on over-the-counter treatments. If there’s any risk, wear sun-resistant clothing and remain in the shade (besides applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen). Apply cool compresses and then let your skin air dry if any irritation occurs.



Apply a cold compress elevate the head, take acetaminophen or ibuprofen, and swish peppermint tea or salt water (not from overboard) in your mouth.



Ensure that the mouth and nasal passages are clear. Slowly sip cool water and nibble on bland food only as tolerated. Follow tips for seasickness and stomachache.

The tips in this article are not a substitute for medical advice. If a condition goes beyond the bounds of simple first aid, promptly call

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