Home Boat Goodies Aye, Aye, Junior Captains!

Aye, Aye, Junior Captains!

When the family goes boating, everyone has responsibilities. It doesn’t take away from the fun to have tasks aboard, because safer boaters are happier boaters. So make yourself as happy as can be by learning how to swim, taking a safe boating course, and following our checklist for junior captains:

Don’t bring too much along Boats shouldn’t be overloaded.

Never run on the dock or on the boat Tripping hurts and falling overboard is worse.

Use your eyes Keep a lookout for other boats, swimmers, stuff in the water, and storm clouds. Alert the captain if you see a hazard.

Use your ears If you hear a whistle or a horn, make the sure the captain knows.

Use your nose Smell gas? Tell the captain.

Beware of feeling funny If you’re in the cabin and your head starts to hurt or your ears feel buzzy, get outside and tell an adult.

Keep your life jacket on It can’t protect you if you’re not wearing it.

Sit in the same spot on the boat when heading out and going back Have the captain show you where you’ll be out of the way and then stay there while the boat is moving.

Know what to say on VHF radio channel 16 Talk to your family about how to describe your boat in case of an emergency.

Never leave your stuff around If the water gets choppy, no one wants to be hit by flying objects.

Keep your arms and legs in the boat when underway It’s required and you’re safer that way.

Keep an eye on younger kids They need to learn the rules — you can teach them.

Refill your dog’s water bowl Pups get thirsty on hot days, just like you.



Video: Be Boat Safe, Kids


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