Home Boat Goodies Ten Tips for Boating Dogs

Ten Tips for Boating Dogs

  1. Dogs can suffer from seasickness, too. Make the first trip a short one, and if all seems OK, feed lightly on longer trips until you know there’s no queasiness.


  1. Apply canine-safe sunscreen (no zinc oxide or other toxins) to sun-sensitive areas including the ear tips, skin around lips, nose, belly, and groin areas.


  1. Provide clean water at all times in a no-tip bowl (change the bowl often).


  1. If you can’t take your dog ashore as often as necessary, place a pee pad down or create a box with some real grass or artificial turf.


  1. Ask your pet’s vet to recommend a topical antibiotic ointment, an anti-nausea treatment, and an allergic reaction medication. Write the correct dosage on the boxes or labels and mark “FOR THE DOG” before adding to the first aid kit. Add in extra bandages, gauze, and a muzzle.


  1. Taking a long day trip or traveling overnight? Note the numbers of emergency veterinary services along your route and at your destination.


  1. All dogs should wear a fitted doggie life vest, even capable swimmers. Buy a life jacket with a lifting handle — a wet dog is a heavy dog.


  1. Prohibit dogs from swimming in areas with algal blooms, pollution, and/or jellyfish. Prevent them from ingesting saltwater (it can be harmful). Don’t toss absorbent fetch toys and balls overboard to retrieve, as squeezed out water is as bad as direct gulps.


  1. Keep canines on the leash when ashore, bypassing reeds and brush. Do a once-over for ticks during your outing and again at the end of the day.


  1. Don’t leave a dog in a hot boat while you explore the shore.




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